Sunday, December 28, 2014

What's Your (Funny/Nightmare/Strange) Special Event Story?

Originally posted by Liza Kendall on Fri, Dec 02, 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Happy December, everyone!
This month is filled with lots of reasons to celebrate. As we know, parties sometime have an unexpected punch... and I don't mean the champagne punch kind.
A quick Google search produces some pretty funny posts about the strange things that happen to people when they are celebrating. Here are a few of my favorites:

From readers of Real Simple magazine:
“The Tree Fell Over.”
My mom loves to recount the time our tree toppled onto some guests, spilling drinks on the gifts. Now we tie the tree to the window frame with fishing line.
“The Toilet Overflowed.”
Two hours before guests were to arrive for a Christmas Eve gathering, the toilet directly above the kitchen overflowed and water began flooding the bathroom and kitchen. In a rush to get everything under control, my son came zooming through the house with a sopping-wet mop over his shoulder—dripping directly over three baking days’ worth of cookies, pies, and biscotti.

“The Kissing Guy”
You know the guy.  He’s quiet all year at work, kind of awkward.  Pour a few scotch-on-the-rocks into him and he becomes a kissing machine.  Not pretty. Really.
“Gonna Make You Sweat”Do you remember that song by C&C Music Factory “Gonna Make You Sweat”? Well picture a full dance floor and a secretary and a male employee dirty dancing so much they were drenched.  It was like watching a train wreck.  No one could look away. 

What's your story?

Leave a comment and give your fellow readers something to smile about.

Best, Liza

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